Week of French schools abroad: 2022 edition
From 28 November to 3 December, the 6th edition of the Week of French schools abroad (Semaine des lycées français du monde) – a common event for all French schools abroad – took place. This year’s theme is “Being informed in a connected world to educateinformed citizens”. Here are the educational projects carried out in […]
What is the role of the “Vie scolaire” team
Every morning, students in collège–lycée are welcomed by educational assistants. Their team is led by the principal educational advisor (conseillère principale d’éducation, CPE). The school life team is an integral part of a French secondary school. Those unfamiliar with French education may ask: what is school life? What are the functions of the CPE? Clémence […]
Class photo session
The class and individual photo sessions for LIFV students will take place the next week: 19 September: TPS-CP, Šilo 13 20-22 September: CE1-Terminale, Subačiaus 7. The planning: . The photos will be taken by the company “Foto Angels“. In order for your child to be able to participate, please make sure that you have given permission on […]
#COVID update, 17 décembre 2021
Nous tenons à vous informer de la situation au lycée cette semaine. Cas COVID au sein du LIFV : Silo 13 : 1 Subačiaus 7 : 1 Toutes les personnes concernées ont été individuellement informées. Les personnes signalées comme « cas contacts » sont en isolation jusqu’à la date qui leur a été communiquée. Si vous avez […]
Pradinės mokyklos žurnalo numeris, nr.4
Ikipradinės ir pradinės mokyklos komanda pristato naująjį trimestro žurnalo numerį. Šiame žurnale pradinės mokyklos klasės – nuo TPS iki CM2 – pristato po vieną veiklą, kuri jiems ypač patiko. Žurnale rasite tekstus prancūzų, lietuvių ir anglų kalbomis, pagal tai, kokia kalba vartojama mokantis klasėje. Skaitykite ir sužinokite, koks spalvingas ir įdomus buvo pirmasis trimestras prancūzų […]
Primary school magazine, issue 4
The LIFV primary school team presents the third issue of the Primary School Magazine. In this magazine, primary school classes, from TPS to CM2, presents an activity that they particularly enjoyed. There you will find the texts in French, Lithuanian and English, depending on the language of learning. Discover school life, full of new knowledge […]
#COVID update, 3 décembre 2021
Nous tenons à vous informer de la situation dans le lycée cette semaine. Cas COVID au sein du LIFV : Silo 13 : 3 Subačiaus 7 : 0 2 résultats positifs des tests accumulatifs des classes de l’école primaire. Toutes les personnes concernées ont été individuellement informées. Les personnes signalées comme « cas contacts » sont en […]
#COVID update, November 5, 2021
This week we have not had any new Covid cases. Let’s all stay healthy and safe. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email info@lifv.lt
#COVID update, October 8, 2021
We would like to inform you about the COVID situation at school at this time, October 8, 2021. COVID cases confirmed: Šilo str. 13: 0. Subačiaus str. 7: 2 The new algorithm of isolation is put in place for the schools, that offers more flexible rules of isolation. If a positive case of Covid is […]