We accept applications year-round, with no set deadline. However, early application is encouraged to secure your child’s place.
Registrations are open on Šilo campus from TPS (Pre-Nursery Class) to CP (Grade 1), on Subačiaus campus from CE1 (Grade 2) to Terminale (Grade 12).

Applications for non-French speakers?
Nursery school and Year 1 admission criteria
All children are eligible, including those who do not speak French. We accept students throughout the year. Ages to consider:
- TPS : 1.5-2 years old
- PS (Small Section): 3 years old
- MS (Middle Section): 4 years old
- GS (Large Section): 5 years old
- CP (Cours Préparatoire): 6 years old
The admission criteria from CE1(Year 2) to Terminale (Year 12)
Entrance tests are mandatory from Year 2, and meetings with the teaching staff are conducted to assess the relevance and motivation of the project.
If our institution experiences an influx of enrollment requests exceeding our capacity, we would be compelled to establish a waiting list where complete files are processed, taking into account various elements specific to our institution.
- Elementary school (from 6 to 11 years old)
- Secondary school (from 12 to 18 years old)
Register for an individual meeting
Contact our admissions department to register for an individual meeting.
Apply for admissions
To enroll your child at LIFV, please create an account on EDUKA (see link below).
To begin, click “Create an account” and select the option that best describes your situation (“Your family has never had any children attending or partly enrolled at the school”). Fill out the form, validate your account, and log in to EDUKA. Complete the pre-registration form and submit it to the administration. We’ll follow up with you for additional details.