Parents’ Coffee Club with the Headmaster

Dear Parents,

We are pleased to invite you to the traditional “Parents’ Café” on Thursday, 20 April 2023, starting at 8.40 a.m. at Subaciaus 7 (entrance to the primary school), on the topic “LIFV Strategy 2023-2026”. The meeting will be moderated by the headmaster, Mr Lilian Filipozzi.

This convivial meeting is an opportunity for parents, administration and management to meet and reflect together on the new strategy for LIFV for the period 2023-2026. During the 2 hours of workshops and discussions, we will address the following topics

Criteria for choosing a school: what were the determining factors for you?

The educational offer


We would be delighted to have you with us and to discuss these important topics for our school community.

Please confirm your presence by email before 19 April 2023.