What you need to know about electronic cigarettes


The prevalence of e-cigarette use among Lithuanian school children and students is growing rapidly and is already surpassing the smoking of conventional cigarettes. In 2019 according to the conducted ESPAD study, 65% of 15-16 years of students in Lithuania tried to smoke e-cigarettes at least once in their life, while 54% smoked regular cigarettes.


Initially e. cigarettes were designed to be as similar as possible to traditional tobacco cigarettes in order to represent them and imitate the sensations experienced during regular smoking. Later, their designs changed and sometimes they no longer resemble tobacco cigarettes, and in their shape can imitate other common objects: USB media, markers, etc. Therefore, it may not be easy for parents to recognize such e. cigarette if you find it in your child’s backpack or drawer.

Harm to health

E-cigarette users complain of symptoms of disorders in 12 body systems after starting to use e-cigarettes. Unpleasant symptoms of respiratory and nervous system disorders, damage to the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat are usually felt. E-cigarette users complain of increased blood pressure, headache and dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, tremors, fatigue, irritation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, chest pains and pressure, dry cough, difficulty breathing, sneezing, cold symptoms, muscle and joint pain, impaired digestion, dry skin and countless other negative symptoms.

What to do?

It is important to follow the rule and general agreement in the family that e. cigarette use is harmful to health and is not acceptable just like smoking, alcohol or drug use.

Set a positive example for children, do not use e. cigarettes in front of children, especially indoors.

Eurobarometer 2020 according to data, 35 percent respondents aged 15-24 decided to try using e. cigarettes because their friends used them.

So how do you teach your child to resist pressure? Each time you repeat an action, in this case reject suggestion, it becomes easier to give up. Giving up gradually becomes a habit. Giving up something is easier when we have strong values ​​and self-confidence. It is important to anticipate the situation in advance and think about how to act in it. Then it will be easier not to get lost and make the right decision.

There are many different ways to reject cigarettes or other psychoactive substances:

• The simplest “NO”. Don’t take this offer lightly and politely decline. – “Thank you, but no”.

• Tell it like it really is. Be yourself and say in your own words that you don’t use. – “Thanks, but I don’t use e. cigarettes”.

• Make excuses. After all, people constantly make excuses and there’s nothing wrong with that. – “I have to meet a friend”, “I will be kicked out of the team”.

• Change the subject. This way you can distract the person who suggested. – “Thank you, but I don’t want to.” Listen, did you see that video where the truck got stuck under the bridge?”

• Procrastinate. Procrastination works when the pressure to try something builds. But that doesn’t mean you’ll actually try. – “No, maybe later.”

• “Defective plate”. Give one reason why you don’t want to use and repeat it. It is only important not to get involved in the dispute, the discussion will not help in this case. “Thank you, but no. They make me sick.” Repeat this if the pressure continues.

More information: https://kaveikiavaikai.lt/temos/ka-reikia-zinoti-apie-elektronines-cigaretes/#