Results questionnaire Canteen

Dear Parents,

We thank you for all the answers we had for the school canteen questionnaire, there were 132 of them. 

Here is a small summary of the results, and you can find a PDF at the end of this e-mail showing more detailed picture. 

For privacy reasons all the open question answers are not shown here, but we have given some examples to illustrate the different comments/concerns that parents and children have, and gave us, and they have been shared with the school administration.

Majority of the parents who answered to this questionnaire have children at the Primaire, and their children have been eating at the canteen for 3-6 years.

To start, almost 43% of these parents said that the weekly menus do not meet their expectations and approximately 45% considered they meet their expectations partially.


“The food has no taste”, “The quality of the food is bad”,”More healthy food”,”It is important to consider the taste of the kids”,”More popular and healthy food can be offered 3-4 times a week.”…

However, majority of the parents (72%) were assured of the food safety. 

Portion  size of the meals they considered to be mostly fairly/or adequate (78%). 

On the other hand, most parents couldn’t say if the meals were balanced and wholesome (46%), while there was a part of the parents (30%) who thought that their were not.

Only small proportion (15%) of the of the parents who answered the questionnaire would like to have a vegetarian option, and if there was such an option would not like to pay more for it. 

For most parents (64%) the price of the canteen service should be between € 3 and € 5.

Children’s opinion about food is not high, the majority chose the lower end of the scale (0 to 10) to describe their satisfaction: 70% chose 0 to 5.

Comments : 

“No tast”, “I am coming back from school hungry”, “For one of my children, the food is OK, the second one does not like the food at all.”, “My child says, that sometimes the food is OK”, “The food is always cold or lukewarm”, “We want simple, separate, unmixed foods on a plate”…

Finally, the 10am snack was considered necessary, but should be rather light and more fruits and vegetables should be offered.

We, your representatives at the Conseil d’Etablissement, have shared the results of this inquiry at the latest meeting of the CE (Conseil d’établissement) on 03 November 2020. 

The results will be further discussed on the next meeting of the Canteen Committee which was organised to evaluate the actual service provider, and possible other providers.

We thank you again for your participation and take this opportunity to remind you that you can contact us by this e-mail address :  if you have any comments or questions you would like to us to bring up at the future CE (Conseil d’établissement) meetings.

Please find attached a PDF of the results and and a reminber chart which describes the scope of issues discussed at the Conseil d’Etablissement.


Parents elected from the CE

Bart, Hanne and Isabelle