New order from December 9 #COVID update

Dear Parents,

LIFV follows the recommendations of the Lithuanian Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education.

New constraints have been put in place and will take effect from Wednesday, December 9.

In order to respect them and after having taken consultation with the responsible institutions, here are the measures adopted at LIFV:

Collège and Lycée :

100% distance learning from December 9 to 18.

The Deputy Head of Secondary, Mr Sochay, will send the class timetables tomorrow.

Primaire (CE1-CM2)

Lessons at school until December 11, distance learning from December 14 to 18, 2020

On Friday Mr Hébrard, Director of Primary school, will send a letter which will specify the organizational arrangements.

Maternelle and CP:

Hybrid education from December 9 to December 18:

Distance learning for everyone, EXCEPT for those who don’t have the possibility to keep their child at home.

Families wishing their child to be received in school are requested to inform Mr. Hébrad no later than Tuesday December 8 at 4 p.m. by e-mail

The connection details for joining distance learning will be sent to all families on Wednesday, December 9. In order to prepare for the distance learning, there will be no online lessons for Maternelle and CP pupils on Wednesday, December 9 (activities at presence in school will take place as usual).

The distance learning will begin on Thursday December 10 for classes of Maternelle end CP.

Thank you for your understanding and for your trust!