Invitation to the General Assembly ONLINE on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 6:00 p.m.

During the General Assembly of November 17 the quorum was not reached because the number of participants was insufficient. In accordance with the Statutes of the Association, the second General Assembly will take place on Wednesday, December 2 2020, 6:00 p.m. due to Covid-19 the meeting will be held online.

The link to join the videoconference session has been sent by e-mail.

The General Assembly is a very important event. This is when the functioning of the school is presented, as well as the budget for the coming year. Also, the members of the Management Committee are elected.
 The Agenda of the GA.

Election of members

This year 3 out of 9 CG members will be elected. We received 3 applications, but the statutes of the Parents’ Association require us to organize the vote.The list of candidates:
• Mr. Rokas Masiulis (presentation)
• Mr. Arūnas Gricius (presentation)
• Mr. Lionel André (presentation)

Remote voting process

This year, exceptionally because of the Covid-19 situation, voting will take place remotely. We will send your unique voting link and token after the videoconference session, on December 2.

You have one vote per child. If you have 2 children at school you will therefore have 2 votes. Each voting link is linked to a child and is unique.

Start of voting: after the videoconference session, December 2, 2020 7:00 p.m.

Voting closes: December 4, 2020 7:00 p.m.