Dear Parents,
The International French Lyceum of Vilnius follows the recommendations of the Lithuanian Ministry of Health.
Like in all schools in Vilnius, during the week of November 3-6, 2020, students of Collège and Lycée will follow their distance education course and will not be allowed to enter the school building.
The pupils will receive the connection instructions and their schedule by November 2 at the latest, on Pronote.
The distance learning system will be identical to the one set up in March-May 2020: an alternation of synchronous and asynchronous sessions.
Primary school (CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2) and preschool (maternelle) students are not affected by this provision and will be welcomed in classes during the week of November 3-6, as usual.
The leisure center (centre de loisirs) and the after-school activities (garderie) are maintained and open at usual hours. Certain extracurricular activities will be suspended. The Extracurricular activities service will send a cancellation notice to the families concerned next week.
Dear parents, please rest assured that we do everything we can to ensure the well-being and safety of your children. Distance education is not new to us: we are ready to continue the education of quality.
Thank you for your confidence.
Vilnius International French Lyceum team