#Covid update for Collège-Lycée, November 16-27

Results of the survey

After analysis of the results from the survey, it appears that a big majority of the families voted for the courses taking place a full week in alternance. Indeed, 75 families voted for, and 39 families voted to continue the 100% online lessons. We have decided, as indicated in our previous emails, to take in consideration the parents’ opinion for the courses organization. You will find below this organization for the next two coming weeks as well as some important information.

Week from the 16/11 to 20/11 :

6A / 5B / 4A / 1ère / Terminale courses at the school according to the regular timetable
6B / 5A / 4B / 3è / 2nde courses online and autonomous work to do at home

Week from the 23/11 to 27/11 :

6B / 5A / 4B / 3è / 2nde courses at the school according to the regular timetable
6A / 5B / 4A / 1ère / Terminale courses online and autonomous work to do at home

Students will not be allowed to get out of the classroom during morning break and lunch time. There will be no canteen service provided. The students must bring their own food without possibility to reheat it. They will eat in their classroom under the surveillance of an adult, and they will have wipes at their disposal to clean their table. 

As usually, every absence in class must be justified by a valid note to the Vie Scolaire service by calling them or sending an email : viescolaire@lifv.lt

We thank you for your attention and your participation to this survey that allows us, together, to continue at its best the scholarity of your children.

The Direction team of the LIFV