Dear Parents,

We would like to update you on the situation in the school at this time, March 19, 2021.

This week we have not had any new COVID cases within LIFV.

As you have been recently informed, LIFV, like 50 other schools in Vilnius, has applied for the “back to school” experiment, led by the Vilnius Municipality and the Lithuanian government.

Primary school students at participating schools would be allowed to return to classes on a voluntary basis, under certain conditions (strict sanitary rules for the reception of students (which is already adapted in LIFV) and organization of periodic Covid tests for students and members of their families as well as LIFV staff in contact with the students).

Thank you to all the families who responded to the survey. 77% of 195 elementary school students expressed a wish to come back to classes. 23% have chosen to continue the distance education or have not yet responded to the survey.

We have shared this information with the Vilnius municipality. We have also extended the deadline for completing the survey to Monday, March 22. Click here to access the survey (accessible to the parents of primary school students): Back to class - Primary school

The results of LIFV application depend on the responses of our community. The greater the number of students and staff who agree to return to contact learning, the more likely we are to have the right to organize teaching in classes. We will inform you about the decision of the Municipality as soon as possible.

Thank you very much for your cooperation. Rest assured that we are doing everything we can to allow our students to return to school.

For more information on COVID 19 preventive tests in Lithuanian: https://www.vilniussveikiau.lt/informacija-ugdymo-istaigoms/

LIFV administration