Dear Parents,
We would like to update you on the situation in the school at this time, January 22, 2021
We learned of 1 positive case of COVID in the school building is Šilo str. this week.
All those concerned have been individually informed. People reported as “contact cases” are in isolation until the date communicated to them.
We remind you that following government decisions, it is recommended to choose distance education for all pupils. The school remains open only for children whose parents do not have the option of looking after them at home, to meet government requests.
Don’t forget to cancel the meal order on EDUKA, if your child is staying at home!
As expected, all classes from CE1 are following distance education course until further notice.
We also remind you that the parents of children who are in primary school classes can combine homework and childcare, or apply for a certificate of incapacity for work, receive sickness benefits and help their children attend school. Sickness benefit for childcare can be paid to working parents, guardians or grandparents. You can find more information (in Lithuanian) here.
If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail
Thank you for your trust.