#COVID update 21st November 2020

21 November 2020

First cases of Covid-19 in LIFV

Dear Parents,

To this date, we can tell you that within LIFV, we have 4 cases tested positive for COVID 19:

In Silo: 1 teacher and 2 pupils, two classes concerned;
In Antakalnis: 1 cleaning lady – no case of close contact identified with any staff or pupil.
All cases are reported to NVSC and isolated for 14 days.

As a precaution, all the premises of Silo and Antakalnis were disinfected by a professional company on November 19.

Contact cases were also identified, informed and declared to the NVSC. They must follow the isolation regulations of the Ministry of Health: for people who have had close contact with the COVID 19 patient, the 14-day isolation must be applied, counting from the last day of exposure with the ill if no laboratory test has been performed, or a shorter isolation period may be applied, if a laboratory test has been performed on the 10th day of isolation and the test result is negative.
– 6 contact cases to this date have tested negative.
– 5 other contact cases are awaiting results and are in isolation. None have symptoms
According to the regulations, the close contact case defines a person:

  • who had contact with a COVID 19 patient for more than 15min and without maintaining social distancing of 2m;
  • who made the physical contact (eg shaking hands);
  • who had contact without sanitary protection (mask) and was under exposure to secretions (sneezing, coughing, exhaling) from a person sick with COVID;
  • who was sitting within the distance of two chairs from a person with COVID.
    Indirect contact persons, i.e. contact of a contact, are not subject to isolation.

According to the law of the protection of personal data, we cannot share names of persons who have tested positive. Please be sure that every person concerned has been individually informed and all the persons who had contact are isolated and will not be coming to school for 10/14 days after the contact. Distance education is organized for all children who are in isolation.

We will inform you immediately if the situation changes.