
Tuition fees

*The Vilnius City Municipality provides a €120/month compensation for all students in the TPS-GS classes if the declared place of residence of one of the parents or guardians and the child is within the territory of the Vilnius City Municipality. This support is not included in the pricing.

Tuition fees 2024-2025

1. First inscription fees800 €
Discount for TPS and siblings of LIFV students
50 %
2. Re-registration
Deducted from the next school year’s tuition fees
180 €
3. Deposit
Refunded on departure of the child
170 €
4. School supplies fees (per year)
Nursery and Elementary School150 €
Secondary and High School
250 €
5. Scholarship fees10 monthly paymentsSingle payment of annual dues
Nursery Maternelle
*Price excludes €120 monthly compensation from Vilnius municipality
5 500 €*5 500 €*
Elementary School Elémentaire5 800 €5 626 €
Secondary School Collège7 000 €6790 €
High School Lycée7 400 €7 178 €
Discounts: 20% for the third child, 50% for the fourth, and 100% for the fifth and subsequent children enrolled

6. Exams fees
Baccalauréat (1ère)140 €
Baccalauréat (Terminale)250 €
Diplôme National du Brevet (3ème)
120 €
7. After-school care (3-6pm, in Nursery School on Wednesdays 1-6 pm)
FLEXIBLE10 €/day
Without registration15 €/day
8. School catering 
Lunch 5.30 €
Afternoon Snack
2,10 €
9. Holiday leisure centre
*Price is subject to change depending on the daily programme
20,00 €*
10. School shuttle
For the current price, please contact the administration (econome@lifv.lt)

Download Tuition fees 2024-2025

Download Tuition fees 2023-2024
