Pradinės mokyklos žurnalo numeris, nr.4

Ikipradinės ir pradinės mokyklos komanda pristato naująjį trimestro žurnalo numerį. Šiame žurnale pradinės mokyklos klasės – nuo TPS iki CM2 – pristato po vieną veiklą, kuri jiems ypač patiko. Žurnale rasite tekstus prancūzų, lietuvių ir anglų kalbomis, pagal tai, kokia kalba vartojama mokantis klasėje. Skaitykite ir sužinokite, koks spalvingas ir įdomus buvo pirmasis trimestras prancūzų […]

Primary school magazine, issue 4

The LIFV primary school team presents the third issue of the Primary School Magazine. In this magazine, primary school classes, from TPS to CM2, presents an activity that they particularly enjoyed. There you will find the texts in French, Lithuanian and English, depending on the language of learning. Discover school life, full of new knowledge […]

Primary school magazine, issue 4

The LIFV primary school team presents the third issue of the Primary School Magazine. In this magazine, primary school classes, from TPS to CM2, presents an activity that they particularly enjoyed. There you will find the texts in French, Lithuanian and English, depending on the language of learning. Discover school life, full of new knowledge […]